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BIM Solutions operates from Vietnam and considered as the top service provider for 2D and 3D modeling drawings. We also offer professional CAD and CAM services. We strive hard to meet our customers’ needs in the most professional manner while allowing them to receive modeling drawings that can be used for a wide range of purposes and projects like fabrication, construction, engineering, building projects, etc.

2d drafting servies

27/10/2020 Publié depuis Overblog

Importance of 2D CAD Drafting in Today’s World

2D drafting services are used to create technical drawings and designs with high accuracy. Architects and civil...

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06/10/2020 Publié depuis Overblog

Tips to Choose the Best Raw Scan Data Processing Company in Vietnam

Selecting the best raw scan data processing company for you upcoming construction project may be quite a task if...

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